We go into the world to create, design, and build our lives but are often haunted by a feeling that complete happiness is just around the corner.
However, the next raise, the next promotion, or the next job never seem to bring those feelings of peace and fulfillment. We are told to go into the world and make a living but rarely told how to live. Ben works with audiences who find themselves at a crossroads in life; they find themselves on a path that isn’t working; they know they need to make a choice but find themselves stuck. People in attendance of his talks leave with a clear sense of direction and visibility to create a life worth remembering.


I grew up on a farm in Southern Wisconsin and joined the United States Marine Corps immediately after high school.
I transitioned out of the military in 2007 and began the hardest battle of my life, trying to find my place as a Veteran, business owner, leader, and family man.
I faced many struggles along his path, including dropping out of college, losing a job, and starting a family. After struggling with his own mental health, he had to learn how to build a different kind of life.
Through my journey to become a better dad and find my purpose, I found a passion for coaching others through life transitions and creating an intentional life that is worth living for my family.

There Is More To Life Than Being Alive
We go into the world to create, design, and build our lives but are often haunted by a feeling that complete happiness is just around the corner. However, the next raise, the next promotion, or the next job never seem to bring those feelings of peace and fulfillment. We are told to go into the world and make a living but rarely told how to live.
As Ben opens up his story, he helps the audience understand how to eliminate the carrot effect and realize where the true feeling of living comes from.

Never Quit Mindset: Make it a Habit
People who refuse to quit are driven by commitment, not by their feelings.
Through the use of real-world stories from his life and military service, Ben delivers actionable advice to the audience on how to make the switch from leading from a place of insecurity to leading from a place of strength a natural daily habit.
Integrity is a Whole Number
Integrity is more than just keeping your word, it's living a whole life. The word integrity evolved from the Latin adjective integer, meaning whole or complete. It is defined as 'an undivided or unbroken completeness', or a state of being complete or whole. ... Living with integrity means being true and authentic to our code of beliefs or worldview.
Ben shares real-life stories and how it is the foundation to building a strong and long life. Audience members will leave with a new way to look at integrity that isn’t just a word on the wall.